Video Transcription
Hey everybody, It’s Justin with B2B vault, the payment technology podcast with your host Allen Kopelman, and we’ll be providing educational information about business payments, FinTech, or financial technology, decentralized finance, and the technology businesses need in today’s world. And in today’s podcast, we’ll be discussing payment trends for April 2022. And here you go, Alan. All right. Welcome to the podcast. Thank you, Justin. You’re welcome. All right, let’s get into payment trends. So we search the news, and it’s fascinating because crypto is being talked about a lot. We just attended Bitcoin 2022. There’s an episode of the podcast coming out about that. And in the news is a lot of stories about visa, MasterCard, American Express, several banks filing for patents, filing for trademarks involving crypto, and the Metaverse. And it’s fascinating that you know, suddenly like they’re jumping in, and all of these announcements came around the time of Bitcoin 2022. So that’s kind of interesting. So they started releasing a lot of credit cards recently connected to wallets.
So, if you’re a Coinbase customer or you’re a customer at another wallet, many of them or issuing out credit cards so that you can spend your crypto through a credit card. Nice. And then some of them are even doing it where you just pay your credit card bill to the crypto company, like in cash. And then you can earn crypto if you’re doing that. So, they’re also giving some of them crypto rewards. Different programs are going on with crypto and credit cards with both visa and MasterCard, and MasterCard recently said, in a story, the blockchain is coming, it’s coming. The blockchain is coming. And also announced was that MasterCard partnered with Coinbase to allow why, I don’t know who’s going to facilitate, you know, the merchant account. Still, they’re going to allow for NFT payments on master guards, so that, you know, that remains to be seen whether I figured out what that meant. They’re saying that you could play with, so if I invoice nationwide payment systems, whatever $15,000 you can pay me in an NFT. I think they’re talking more about people buying NFTs on Coinbase, but even though the Coinbase hasn’t released their NFT platform yet. Oh, So something to do with NFTs and Gaius or card NFTs and going bays, I mean, it’s yet to be seen that people are going to buy, buy NFTs with, you know, credit cards it’s coming probably.
But I think there’s some technology needed on the end of the NFTs because then the smart contract is not a way to keep the smart contract in place. Because you bought an NFT without Revenues of meager prices, one 20 bucks. So it was like a 20 or $25 NFD, but I’m thinking, you know, cause many people to want to have a smart contract. So credit cards would cut that out unless technology changes; you know CoinDesk is somebody I follow. And they’re the ones that they also put out a story about American express filed for several trademarks involving the Metaverse and also logos, new logos, and all kinds of stuff. And then, a large purchase was made for decentralized land by JP Morgan. Yeah. I saw that. They put in almost a billion dollars in a matter of fun. Yeah, it’s crazy. Many major companies have been buying and decentralized land. And what was the other one that we were looking at? That was, we were looking at the Metaverse. No, not the Metaverse, so it was another website, and we saw a tare on there, The Sandbox, the sandbox. Yeah. So there’s a lot of activity. Rocky. You can’t do that. Sit down. Okay. Do you want to do this over? No, We’re we’re alive show. Sorry for the noise in the background. Okay. So yeah, there’s a lot of companies that are buying up assets in the Metaverse, buying up the land, what they’re going to do with it.
I don’t know. I saw another website connected to Facebook recently, where you could go in and use your ready me player Avatar. ready player Me. Yeah. Ready player me avatar. And you could go in there and like do stuff. I tried to run it on my computer. It was running slow. I need to try it on a computer with a perfect video card. That’s another thing like with all this metaverse stuff, and there’s going to have to be some new video cards because that is heavy-duty stuff running. After all, it was going super, super slow. Right? Yeah. You know, very slow, but it was very cool. And it was like a 3d thing. You could go into a room, and you could invite your friends. There was interesting, but I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m going to be spending, I don’t know. They’re talking about like we’re in the lockdown, right. So people were at home, right. So are people going to like stay at home now? Cause they’re used to staying at home and then doing things inside the Metaverse and then not going outside and socializing with people. I mean, that’s a little weird; I mean, games are dating back to years and years ago, you know, Sims ruined escape, second life, you know, where people were doing, doing, you know, doing these games online, like had like a whole other life going on in the game, you know? So it’s pretty crazy. It’s nuts. Yeah. So, you know, I enjoy socializing with people personally. I don’t want to eat my meal in the like order from Uber eats and eat my meal in the Metaverse. No, I’m Good. You’re good. I don’t know. It would be weird. I was reading this thing like you’ll be able to go grocery shopping and the Metaverse, and then someone will deliver it to your house.
Yeah. I don’t know. That just sounds weird. I’d rather like go check the food out. I don’t like the concept of someone else touching my groceries. I’m just really weird that way, I guess. I could check out all the time by myself at the grocery store I would like so that no one else would touch my groceries, But at some Publix is now, and Walmart has self-check. Yeah, I know. But I mean, you don’t be that guy when you got like 400 items in your cart, and you’re trying to self-checkout. All right, please. If you’re that guy going to self-checkout and you got more than 20 items, turn around and get checked out somewhere else. Cause that’s not what that is. It’s there to go fast. The quick people, you got a small amount of stuff. I go through it a lot at Costco. I might have 10 or 15 things. Boom, boom, boom. And I’m in and out of there and Costco. So another thing in the news is, is buy now pay later. Okay. Buy now pay later is great, but what they’re talking about is integrating it into actual small credit card terminals into point of sale systems. Banks are talking about getting into the game because they’re losing charge volume to third-party companies. Credit card companies are talking about getting into it too. So offer that as an option. So like, you could click on a purchase you made and then put it into buy now pay later status, right? Break up the payments of a specific charge inside your credit card; You would think more; all banks will offer that. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, they’re all trying to figure it out. These FinTech companies And given away anything. Getting a loan from a bank is like pulling teeth, but these FinTech companies all came into the market fast. And then the market’s sword, you know, with the millennials it’s sword, you know, it’s a certain age group that’s using the product. You know, the younger people are the ones using the product. But the one thing that’s come out about this is that the fraud has been running rampant. So there’s been a lot of fraud with buy now, pay later. How do you, what do you mean? Like the power of what are they doing? That’s fraudulent. So let’s say you have a credit card and go into the store and you do a buy now pay later on like a $400 item, and you’re going to make four payments of a hundred dollars. And then you close the credit card. Now the credit cards are closed. The buy now pay later company has to go into collection mode and track you down. They have very little information on who the person is. That’s making the purchase other than they have the credit card. They know your name, email, address, and maybe your phone number. And that’s about it. That sounds like a lot of information, but in regards to yes, I get it.
Yeah. So there’s been a lot of fraud, and merchants need to make sure, like when they’re signing up with the buy now pay later company, what are they exactly liable for? Because some of these companies are changing their terms and conditions because of the yeah, because of the fraud. So it’s something that we’re following very closely. Like how would they, what would they say? Like if here you, if you offer this on your website and blah, blah, blah, you have a certain amount of chargebacks, you’re responsible or something. Well, I don’t, I, I don’t know what, but they’re just saying that there’s, they’re holding. They might hold the merchant libel. Maybe the merchant didn’t collect enough information from the person. It was a fraudulent credit card charge before with the same person. I don’t know what they’re going to do. That’s what would happen, though? Like when they say, I’m going to hold you liable; let’s say, let’s say you win, you did buy now pay later, you made two payments of a hundred dollars. You still owed 200, and the company can’t collect the buy now pay later. They could come back and take the $200. You, they gave you 400, they’ll just take 200 back from you. Cause they can’t collect it from the person. Oh, from the merchant, from the merchant. So it could be that they’re going to shift some liability, maybe not a hundred percent of it, but some of the liability back to the merchants. I mean, I don’t know what they’re going to do. It’s going to be interesting. A few of these companies have approached us to do business with them, and we’ve asked them for the terms and conditions of the contract based on, you know, some of the stories that I’ve heard, you know, so where merchants have gotten charged backs. So crypto acceptance that’s being talked about a lot in the news. Coinbase released something where people on Coinbase can pay other people who have Coinbase. There are other crypto wallets.
One big crypto wallet called Voyager just bought a European company. And now they’re going to be bringing crypto accepted to the US crypto to Fiat acceptance. We met with them this morning. So interesting. You attend Bitcoin 20, 22. And all of a sudden, companies are coming out of the woodwork because we’re talking about crypto saying, Hey, how can you, you know, you know, to do business with them. So, we’re looking at different companies offering this. Do you know what makes their offer different from the other person’s offer? or also making sure that the companies that are, that they’re compliant because the federal government came out with compliance things that the crypto companies have to follow SOC two and some ISO requirements. They have to follow the 8,300 rules that the banks follow. This means when there’s a $10,000 or more transaction that, you know, paperwork is set to the federal government, you know, to the banking. So, you know, crypto acceptance is being discussed, and you can find more about crypto acceptance on our website Real quick. We want to shout out to all of our sponsors, NPS bank, NPS printer, The payment advisory board, and last but not least nationwide payment systems. Thank you guys for keeping the lights on and the water running; follow B2B vault at B2B vault on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and most recently, we signed up for a TikTok to watch all Allen’s shenanigans. You can check out the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeart, radio, YouTube, Stitcher, you name it. We’re there. Also, we’re on Pandora. That’s cool. You want to listen to the podcast and the high-definition, high-quality ear stuff. Good for your ears, Bandura. It’s good. Go ahead and check that out. If you want to listen to the past episodes, you can listen to them on any network I mentioned. but also go to check out B2Bvault.info, where you can catch a couple of the latest episodes, fill out a form to talk to Allen, and possibly learn more about sponsoring the podcast.
Be sure to follow Alan on Twitter at Alan Kopelman. And you can check me out on Twitter at @jrowings. If you caught that, good luck to you, Allen; we have a lot of fun on Twitter. Twitter’s good. Twitter’s good. Okay. So another big story in the news that popped up this week is Etsy. So what happened? Etsy decided to raise its merchant fees Again, Up to 6.5%. So fees of 6.5% versus, let’s say, you had a merchant account or A tablet that you got to pay a monthly fee to them. Yeah. There’s a monthly fee membership fee. Right? And then the 6.5% Every transaction, Right? Every transaction? That’s a lot. Yeah. Well, Shopify has their fees are lower, and there’s a big, bigger monthly fee, depending on what kind of, what kind of programs you’ve, that you have and soda the, all the other platforms. But, you know, what are the pros and cons of selling your product on a platform? You know, me and Justin were talking about this, you know, versus arguing, oh, don’t say it was an argument we were talking about, like, you know, when is a platform good for you? When have you ad grown the platform, and is it time for you to make, you know, a WordPress site or a Magento shopping cart site or whatever kind of website that you’re going to make for your business? Because, when you’re on these, when you’re on these platform services, you know, and there’s lots and lots of them, you know, the barrier to entry is very easy.
So you can get your business up on the internet, you know, and you know, quickly, right. And you’re on a platform, but then there’s, you know, you’re kind of locked in. If they raise prices, you’re stuck with paying the price rate. Right. Like, you know, so any CMS or platform, content management system, you know, you got your pros and cons, right? Like I would say, you’re going to have those fees for, for most of those, you know, like the Shopify to Etsy’s the big cartels, Big-commerce, The commerce, all those, you know, I mean. When someone’s starting, the Wix is another one, but when you’re starting, I mean, people want it up and running quickly. Right. So that’s, that’s the user experience or like building your website or building your shop rather on one of those platforms, as opposed to doing it to yourself is very easy. Yeah. That’s what I mean; the barrier to entry is Low. You know you don’t, and you don’t have to manage your store. Most of those platforms offer some shipping, you know, the management or, Well, no, they integrate into many things. The shipping is integrated and email marketing Payment, processing, Payment processing, etc.
But when somebody raises the fees so much, sometimes people have to look at their business and go, okay, well, it was good when I was doing 2000, 3000, Right. Finding you’re selling a $10 product, taking six, almost 7% off of every transaction. You know, what’s your overhead then? You know, like, are you making any money? Right. Probably not. Well, you have to look every business, you have to look at, you know, making sure that your, you know, your overhead and your costs align with like what you’re selling, you know, with everything prices are rising for everything. So, Right. So like, another pro with a platform would be the management of the actual shop. Right. You don’t have to, Yeah. You don’t have to manage the software, update the WordPress data security, etc. So, you know, you have to look at it, you know, what’s the cutoff when you’re doing 25 grand a month, 50 grand a month, when is it time to have your platform? Also, the merchant fees are significantly less because you can be Right. Two, two and a half percent. Couldn’t The middleman. You’re cutting out the platform fees, but you’re taking on extra things because now you have to integrate your email marketing programs. You know, it can be a little bit more complicated, but you’re running a business, you have to, you have to weigh those things out, you know, oh, am I going to use a platform or going to build out a website?
And at what point, you know, will you do that? And you have to be careful, like we were talking about a bot, like when you pick a domain name out, you shouldn’t buy it through those services because there are certain things when you’re using a platform, you know, you put pictures, eyes <inaudible> Yeah. You have to be careful to find print. You know, if you purchase your domain through Wix, right. It’s, I’ve, I’ve had, it’s been a real pain to try to transfer it from Wix. Another is the Google website builder; like getting, you build a website on Google website builder, and then you try to migrate that to a stable platform. I’ve seen it where it bounces back and forth. It’s crazy. Do you know? So, I mean, you have to be, you asked me, I’m going to say, do for yourself and start your website automatically. Like every time. Right. I don’t care if you have one product or 10,000. But you know, there are circumstances where, Hey, you know, I don’t have the budget, I don’t have the knowledge, I don’t have the time, The skill, The skill, you know? When you say that to me, I think you should be paying someone to do it. Right. If you have a business. Right. So, but then again, you know, like that’s just to each its own, right? In some businesses, you can take steps, like making sure you bought the domain outside of the platform so that you own the domain. Right. Make sure that you save all your pictures and everything you’re uploading. So that if you wanted to build a separate website down the road, you could do it. I’ve seen some companies with a Shopify site, and then they have their own; they have another site.
Right. You know, and they try; it’s really popular right now. Yeah. And a lot of PE a lot of businesses are doing that because they started their site on Shopify, and they leave it there. And then they start to develop a secondary site because they don’t want to pay all the increasing Shopify fees. So it’s, you know, it’s all, it’s all a matter of, you know, and if you’re a big merchant on Shopify, you can get your merchant account. You don’t have to pay them a piece. But if you get a merchant account on Shopify, and then you need to use outside credit card processing, you have to pay them anywhere from one to 2% additional because they don’t, they don’t service every single product. So we did a podcast about the interchange increase, and more things came out in the news. Visa is trying to spend the interchange increase by saying, oh, they offer lower fees for businesses that do 250 grand or less. And they’re going to save 10% on visas interchange fees. In the news story that I read today, a couple said that it would help 90% of merchants. I find that hard to believe because many of our clients are on one fixed price, merchant accounts. And they’re going through companies like square Stripe today. Then most smaller merchants, that’s where they are. They’re on square. They’re on Stripe. They’re on paid bowel care. Yeah. They’re on all different kinds of platforms. So they’re not going to see, they’re not going to see that decrease because they don’t have their merchant number. The merchant of record is the platform, not the merchant, and MasterCard released something saying that transactions below $5 will be lower interchange on that. But it wasn’t very specific as to what types of locations.
It mentioned hotels. I was like, why does that matter in a hotel, a $5 transaction. That was kind of weird. So, you know, we did a podcast about the interchange. So check out the interchange podcast to get more information about what we talked about with interchange, but it’s, you know, interchange went up. In business, depending on the sector that you’re in, the effects will be fairly minor across the board. Do you know? So Marijuana’s in the news. And, you know, I like when I read about, you know, Marijuana, cause it’s, you know, one of the biggest untapped markets, it’s a multi-billion dollar industry, and there’s no banking for it. Very limited amount of banking because you have to go through a ton of compliance to get banking. And there were no merchant services for it, legal merchant services, other than having a third party ATM or using a micro ATM or what they call a cashless ATM in your store. Credit card processing still hasn’t opened up. But April 1st, you know, even though it was April fool’s day, right. Which is kind of weird, right? This house of representatives passed the marijuana opportunity re-investment and expungement act or the more act. And you know, so now they’re talking about, can the Senate vote and can they get 60 votes that are required? So it’s been asked by the press, the secretary was asked about it. Biden was asked about it and didn’t make any comments about it. I didn’t hate cannabis. He just said no comment. He hates it. He has. He does not. I mean, he’s a private prisoner who likes, Okay, let’s not get started on a political discussion. Still, you would think that the government would look at this from another standpoint, saying, Hey, we have this huge multi-trillion dollar deficit. These infrastructure bills are trying to pour all this money into the economy.
We’ve got a multi-billion dollar industry that could be tapped into because none of these people’s income is taxed. It’s crazy. But like you have counties that have like a 30% tax on Marijuana. Right. And states have taxes on Marijuana, but the federal government is not getting its slice of the pie. Stupid. Yeah. I think it’s I think that the Senate should vote on it, get the 60 votes in the Senate. Both states already have legalized Marijuana, and Marijuana prohibition needs to end. Right. You know, tax is regulated just like you do alcohol and tobacco and let the adults, I think you should be 21 years up. I think that they should raise the tobacco age to 21. No, they should just require you. Like, you have to register to get like a marijuana card. Like you do a driver’s license, or when you get your driver’s license, you just apply like somehow connect your driver’s license to buy Marijuana Some way. So that way, maybe somebody who has to limit like how much you can buy, like Why I don’t know it, the plant. Okay. But I’m just saying like in Florida, that medical Marijuana, they, I don’t know what the limit is. Cause I don’t have a marijuana card, but they limit how much you can buy in a month. Which is a total of 32 Grams. So that’s like about an ounce. So, you know, have some kind of control. I mean, there’s no control over alcohol.
You could walk in and buy 50 bottles of tequila, and that’s a lot, crash into a school bus, your kids, and your grandkids. Well, I’m just saying that’s a lot more dangerous than Marijuana. I don’t know, man. The whole regulating thing. I Don’t Think so either. I think the people who grow it should be there. There’s going to be some regulations, the consumption of it. I don’t, and there shouldn’t be a regulation on that. There’s no; well, they should do it. Like they do alcohol, everybody walks in, shows their ID, and then buys your Marijuana. That’s it. That’s it, that’s that she expected And have some kind of reporting, you know, whatever, to have some, I mean, I see a lot of states. I just learned that Nevada passed a law that you have to, you have tosh they’re going to require ID to be shown in liquor stores. I don’t know why they don’t have that. Now. That’s kind of crazy. So you can go to Nevada and just buy Wicker without showing your ID Right now. I guess it’s up to the business owner, but now they’ll pass a law. So like, we have a point of sale system company we work with, and they actually have it built-in cause they do tobacco, and now they’re doing liquor. So when somebody buys like cigarettes, they can swipe a driver’s license or scan a driver’s license, you know, with the barcode or the QR code or the magnetic strip, whatever you have, and then it’s attached to the transaction. So that way, they can’t say that they sold the mine minor.
Right. And then the same thing. So, I mean, I don’t understand why states just don’t have that period. They should do the same thing with Marijuana. That’s it. And then it’d be compliant. You know, there’s a driver’s license attached to the purpose. I mean the only purpose of, I guess, of, of making sure putting limits on like the Marijuana. They should limit liquor, but that’s another story because you don’t want some guy walking in the store. I mean, we’ve all seen movies. Like what’s a famous movie, American Graffiti, right. They pay the older guy to go into the store and buy him the beer, you know, or the beer guy looks the other way because you guys have on the football, local football team. So they sell them a 12 Pack, you know, that will happen. Right. But I’m saying it can be limited. Right? If you’re listening, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott from Florida, The scientists, Said they couldn’t vote. He’s not in the Senate. We have Rick Scott, and we have Marco Rubio in Florida. They’re listening; vote for Marijuana. Those two guys were potent. Yes. Well, They’re not voting for it. Well, we don’t know. We don’t know who’s voting for it. We don’t, you’re Right. We don’t know. Does president Biden come out and talk about It? He hasn’t said anything about it. He said, no comment. And so did the predecessor. They both said no comment. They Don’t want to talk About it. Yeah. They’re not talking about it. So now the next thing that’s coming out is this whole thing. Farm bill 2023, which is also caught referring to the hemp advancement act. So the first farm bill came out, and they do this whole thing with the 0.3 or 0.03% of hemp of THC. And then, you know, and it’s crazy. Cause you have to USDA monitoring the plants and then you got the FDA monitoring, advertising too Many chefs in the kitchen, sir.
You know, the labels that the FDA manner looks at the labels and the FTC looks at advertising. So you’ve got three government agencies hovering overall this little small stuff. I imagine all the little like, like individual agencies amongst those three that stick to that, plus the DEA and the DEA. Right? So they’re all looking at, you know, people selling hemp and CBD, meanwhile ATF and the ATF. But what’s crazy is you can walk into the gas station and buy this stuff. Right, right. You can walk into Publix. Then we saw creams and stuff like that. But it’s everywhere now; it’s all over the place. Right. But they’re just conscious. They’re just like hovering over this industry way, way too much. So they buy who because they think there are merchants out there that say they’re selling CBD but selling Marijuana Because there’s no such difference. Well, we looked it up, right? So this bill increases the hemp ratio. The THC level went from 0.3 or 0.03 to 1%. So then we looked up that medical Marijuana was 15% up to 50%, but that’s just in Florida. Okay. Yeah. In California, I think the medical marijuana THC cap is 32%. But I’m saying it said the minimum was 15, right. Then I said that I sound like That. Yeah. So the, you know, but they’re saying like this 1% raising it to 1%, it’s going to open up the market for other products. Like the Delta eight, Delta nine Delta 10, those products, because they have a little bit, supposedly have more THC or a different type of THC, right.
H something THC or HHC or something like that. So this new bill is going to open up those products. Because 19 states have those illegal, but that’s still being sold all over the place, regardless of what’s going on. And you know, the other funny thing is none of these bills, the marijuana bill, or to have a bill, they don’t even talk about the crane Kratom, whatever that’s not even being talked about. And you know, That’s Crazy. And it’s, you know, and that’s all over the place too. We were at that alternative payment expo. Right. And there was Kratom everywhere. We saw barrels of it. It was all over the place. It is Kratom stuff, Kratom, crate them, whatever you want to call it. So it’s exciting. So they think that increasing to 1% will open up more opportunities for banking because that would let banks feel more comfortable dealing with hemp and CBD merchants. The only thing I worry about is that they put it in food products. I think that has to be controlled better. Because Gummies, Yeah. Gummy bears, edibles, and drinks. I think that there needs to definitely, you don’t want somebody drinking a giant as big gulp size can have. Why not? I don’t know what that would do to you, but I’m just saying like, I don’t Know, go to sleep, But I’m just saying, I just think there’s gotta be some control over that, over, over like the food product. Cause the food product bar that there’s very little control over that. I’m one of those weirdos when it comes to food.
So like, I, I don’t just buy, like, even if there’s like a new drink in the sh like Celsius was that he was that huge fitness energy drink. Right. Everyone was just drinking and then drinking it. I, I don’t know, man. Maybe call me old school. I’m not going to try something just because it’s new. Right. And I, if, if, if I don’t see somebody make it, I’m not going to eat it normally. Right. Like it takes a lot for me to trust that type of stuff. So, you know, when you’re talking about these edibles, you don’t know where they’re cooking at brownie. Right. That’s what I’m saying. You don’t know Where they’re making those slushies. Right. Dude, I’m not drinking it, and I’m not eating it. Like, so I agree with you a hundred percent. Cause a lot of it. So it’s like, Hey, a made I wherein grandma’s kitchen. Exactly. With grandma’s roaches. No, I’m worried about it. I’m not talking about the <inaudible> part. Cause then we’re going to do a whole show on restaurant cleanliness. Don’t watch, you know, like what’s, there’s a dirty dining, Dirty dining in south Florida. Like you go on on dirty dining. You won’t even want to eat at a restaurant after watching that Episode that I watched that show. And as I was watching it, guess what showed? a place you ate at? We were eating at, Oh man. I would be freaking out, and I don’t know if I could finish mine. It was like an affiliate. Right? I don’t know if I could. It was Another, Oh, another location. Different locations. Same restaurant. Okay.
That would scare me. I was, I was freaked out. I didn’t want to eat anymore. No, but that’s why I say like the food products. I think they need to control where they say, oh, if you’re going to make like a gummy bear, right. Or a gummy square of this stuff that it’s, that is, goes through some more testing. And because they can’t control how much is going in there. They’re just making like a big batch and cutting it up out of, they know like, oh, this one-piece, they don’t get like a ton more stuff in it. Or the same thing. Like we had some chocolate remember. Oh yeah. Yeah. How do they know how much of it they put in there? It’s not like they took an eyedropper, and the guy took a piece of chocolate. It’s dropped a drop of it on it. So I’m not so sold on this food; there’s foodstuff. Agreed. So, you know, thank you for listening today to the payment trends, April 20, 22. If you want to learn more about payment trends, check out other podcasts we did on payment trends. If you want to contact me, go to https://B2Bvault.info/. There’s a contact form on the page, and you can get in touch with me, and we can set up a 15-minute phone call or video call and discuss whatever you want to discuss regarding payments. And we’ll give you, and we’ll give you our con it’s a free consultation. Right? So check out B2B vault.info. Follow us on social media at B2B vol check out our videos. Check us out on YouTube. Check us out on all the podcasts networks, Spotify, Apple, Stitcher, Amazon Music, and Pandora. What does Pandora have special listening? It’s just the quality of The quality. The sound quality I love. I like Pandora. Yeah. So we’re on like somebody told me, they said, oh, you guys are like on every podcast network. Well, they send us an email and say, claim your podcast. We claim it, put in the information, then add us to their platform.
So it’s cool that we’re on most. I think we’re on every single platform. Yeah. Besides the title, there’s a little bit of a process, but we’re working on it. Yeah. There’s a process to get on. It took a long time to get approved by Pandora and Amazon. So thank you for listening to B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast. As always, Carpe diem seize the day Allen and Justin are out.

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