Gift Cards
We offer a full-service gift & loyalty card solution. Our focus is on maximizing the return on investment for each merchant program by providing the right tools for the job and the information needed to make your program a success. As plastic gift cards replace standard paper gift certificates and personal checks for gift giving for most consumers, businesses and consumers alike have come to expect the gift card as a standard product. So why not give the customer what they want?

Customize Your Program
We can design a program around your budget
Choice Program is a gift or loyalty card program bundle that includes a fully customized card design. Or choose from Standard Cards with ready-made designs and just add your logo.

Promotion cards perform much like giftcards; they work as a marketing tool as a part of a promotional campaign or direct mailing to help drive customer traffic to your business. Give away cards that are pre-loaded with $5, $10, $20.

The Loyalty Program awards points to your customers for shopping with you. Points are tracked and can be used as currency to purchase items at your store. (New loyalty program coming soon for our Cash Discount Program.)

We provide all the tools you need to make your promotional materials as consistent and professional as your business. You can run your programs on a credit card terminal, virtual terminal or through a compatible point of sale system.