Video Transcription
Hey everybody. It’s Justin here with B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast with your host, Allen Kopelman, and we’ll be providing educational information about business payments, FinTech, financial technology, decentralized finance, and the technology businesses need in today’s world. And in today’s episode, we’ll be talking about CBD, and what it takes to get a merchant account set up for that type of business. Here you go. Take it over, Alan. Hey Justin, thank you very much. So today we’re going to be talking about CBD. And when was that? A couple of weeks ago, we went to the alternative product expo. Yep. Justin and I talked to different business owners in the CBD or hemp merchant account space, CRA, Delta eight, Delta 8, 9, 10 HHC, all types of products we saw. So it was an interesting day. So, you know, the CBD business got born when the farm bill came out in 2018. This legalized all hemp compounds, but the DEA is still not like a hundred percent on board with CBD. And they say that CBD is, you know, a controlled substance, but the farm bill took that over. One of the things that happened with the farm bill is that the USDA thought that 80% of the hemp would be used for products unrelated to CBD. It turned out it was the exact opposite. 80% was going to use for CBD. And 20% was going for other things like clothing and making products and things like that. Right. And it’s a very robust crop.
So you know, so that became, it’s a big challenge for merchants. So every merchant that wants to get set up for CBD goes, oh, I don’t understand the whole problem. This, you walk into gas stations, the vitamin store, you go into CVS, you walk into Publix, and they’re all selling CBD. I’m like, yeah, they’re all selling CBD. But if you know you want to take out the magnifying glass and see what’s going on, I would say 90% or more, and they’re proud to have 0% THC in it. Right. And they’re very focused on that in those places. Maybe not so much the gas stations, but the big box stores. Most of the time, their products have very little to zero THC in, and they’re not selling edibles, maybe a few places, but most of them are not selling edibles. They’re selling topicals and maybe some drops, right. Oils. Yeah. Some oils, things like that. So there are, you know, banks out there processing for a credit card are processing for CBD. And every bank, just like getting a car loan or a mortgage, every bank has its own rules and regulations as to what they do. And, you know, we’re consultants here. So we work with many different banks, you know, but the basic rules are every, every product has to be tested. And, you know, merchants will tell me, oh, it’s 0.03 or some will say, it’s 0.3. Basically. It’s the test that they’re looking into. They want every product to have a test back when it first started, you could test the is, or you could test the oil, and then that would be your test. But now, they want each product tested.
That’s kind of driven the small CBD people out of business. Because I can tell you when CBD first hit, we signed up probably 300 merchants, and under 60 days we’re signing up people, ten people at, I mean I was people up all day long. I had two people in the office helping me, and we were rocking rolling. But what happened was, is the processor. I wasn’t looking at this, and they set up a few people selling weed, so that all got shut down, and then everything became alternative processing. And there were very few banks that wanted to touch it. And you know, the problem is, are you have the U S D a is monitor, you know, change their rule. So, their rule starts with the plea plant. So the plant has to test for 0.03 or 0.3, depending on what lab you’re using. They have different tests. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so the plant has to test before they can make it into CBD B D right. Or use it as eFlow.
So the U S D a is in on it. Then you have the FDA in on it because you have to make sure your products are labeled correctly. And like, if you go into a retail store, you’ll see that almost every single product has a QR code on it. So the person can scan it and look at the test and for that product. And then the FTC is on the C B D because they want to control the advertising for everything. Do you know? So what is the packaging? No, the packaging isn’t for children. Right. They want to make sure the advertising doesn’t say, like, you can’t have stuff on your website. Oh, this cures, rheumatoid arthritis, or, oh, take this and you’ll feel perfect, you know, mm-hmm they don’t want, they, you can’t use words like that. They don’t want, so, you know, you have four and then forget, and then the DEA. So you have five government agencies watching over this business. So people wonder why the banks, you know, why the banks are like, not so eager to jump in, but most of it just stems from advertising. Okay. And we’ll get into that. We talked later about acquiring a CBD merchant account and weighing, not just acquiring the account, but keeping the account, right?
So the higher risk products with CBD, we discussed the lower risk things: creams, topicals, you know, the oils, the drops, you know, that’s the lower, you know, those are the lower pro pet CBD. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, that’s all low-risk products. And you get into the higher risk products where you get into half are the Delta eight, nine, and ten products, edibles. And then other side products, you know, where you’re talking about glass pipes and other things like that. Hemp rolling papers. We have a guy as a whole website. That’s all they sell hemp, rolling papers. Hmm. You know, an MMJ, you know, marijuana-related products. So, you know, every bank has its taste. Like it’s complicated, hemp flour, you know, they want to see the tests for the hemp flour. They’re going to, you know, every single so that, you know, the, and CRA em, nobody wants to process CRA em, the only way you can get a merchant account for CRA is some like high-risk merchant account using like wallets and gift cards and stuff like that. Mm. But you can do it. And you know, the Delta eight, nine, and 10, we just looked it up. Would it say 19 states? Yep. So 19 states kind of have rules against no, they bandit. Yeah. It’s banned. So you’re not supposed to have it. So that makes it difficult. You know, if we’re setting up somebody’s website, right. And they want to sell Delta eight, nine, and 10, and we have to say, no, we can’t do that. I tell people like you want to sell that, put it on a different website, get this high-risk wallet thing set up, or take cryptocurrency.
Right, right. And then sell it all you want because you know. Still, you know, you better have some discreet packaging or the post office or FedEx or ups is going to see on the Bo outside of a box, you know, Delta eight is probably not going to make it to its intended destination. No, I doubt it. Do you know? So that’s the things you have to be careful of, you know? So, you know, as I said, you know, what’s the big deal banks don’t like reputational risk. Right. So they don’t want us to see it in the newspaper. Billy Bob’s CBD was selling two, a ton of CBD <laugh>, you know, and they put it on a credit card and, you know, and then the cops came in and closed the whole place down. And the credit card process, Sara, sir was da, da, da, da bank. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> because there are so many credit card companies, right. There are, you know, tons of people that do credit card processing, but there are still only just a few banks that process the credit card and fund the funds that go into the bank account. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so those banks, they don’t want, you know, reputational risk. Merchants are supposed to sell the products you say you’re selling. Not sell what you’re not going to sell, but at the same time, let’s say you have a, you know, they’re not stopping like gas stations from selling C B D because it’s probably not even one of their sales, you know, or you go into a vitamin store, and they’re selling it. It’s probably not even one or 2% of their sales. So they don’t want to, they don’t want to lose all this business, you know?
Right. They don’t want to lose the business, but at the same time, they want to make sure, like, oh, those products are compliant. Yeah. Cause I was wondering how to like, it’s, it seems super like whole foods and certain other health food stores had C, B, D and hemp seeds, like a long time before, like, you know, these other like smoke shops or, you know yeah. Well, they were in business first. It was a health product. So there was a lot of it in the vitamin stores. Right. It was already there. It was, it was there, they were selling it. You know, they were already selling some CBD products. No. But then they down on the THC levels and right. So now everything has to be like that. And I tell merchants, like, listen; you own a smoke shop. I mean, we’re not coming in there every week. Mystery shopping at your place. Right. To see what’s in there. Oh, is there? Are you selling bongs? Are you selling CRA? Listen, don’t put it on your website. Please don’t put it in pictures that you’re putting up on Google. Please don’t put it all over your Facebook page. You know, you’re probably not going to sell, you know, if you’re selling enough of it, there’s a bunch of chargebacks. Yeah. Guess what? The card brands, right. Visa and master guard, American discover. They’re going to see, oh, there’s a chargeback at, you know, Johnny’s CBD store, Johnny’s health food shop for $2,000. And then they’re going to look and the person’s writing a whole thing saying, oh, I went in there, and I bought, you know, 50 pounds of kratom. And however people pronounce it didn’t we hear like pronounce three; everyone was pronouncing a different, right. They don’t want to read somebody came in there and bought 50 or a hundred pounds of that for 2000 bucks. And then the person’s charging it back saying it was no good.
Right. Then they’re going to go in the store, and if they find it in there, but the merchant’s going to get a letter, they’re going to shut off they’re on the TMF match list. And then they don’t have credit card processing anymore. So, you know, you know, you know, don’t put your business at risk for all that, because you know, even these cigar stores, I went into a cigar store recently, right. For a networking thing. And I sold that dead, everything in there, they had CBD, they were selling vapes. They, you know, it’s not even a cigar store anymore. That’s crazy. Yeah. They’re selling everything. They had the little stick you could stick to put CBD in your cigar. I thought that was weird. Oh wow. We saw that at the show. Oh yeah. That’s right. We did have to see that. Yeah. It was like a stick CBD gets sticking. Oh, that one Guyette the perfect dose or whatever they were saying. Yeah. The perfect dose. Well, little commercial break. Hey everybody. That’s Justin back there. I just wanted to let everybody know that we’re available on Spotify, apple podcast, Google podcast, hard radio Stitcher, Amazon music, overcast. I mean, everywhere you stream podcasts, we’re available there. Check us out on B to B vault.info. If you want to have any questions for us or if there’s anything that you’d like us to touch on, or if you’d like to be a guest. Allen mentioned that we should probably add a different form on the site. So that it’s a little bit easier for you guys to understand or to put information for us to get if you want to be a guest.
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook at Twitter at B2B vault. Once again, this podcast is sponsored by nationwide payment systems, NPS printer, NPS bank, and the payment advisory board. Shout out to you guys without you. The podcast wouldn’t happen. So yeah. Be to B vault; the payment technology podcast also looks out for our new funny videos. Oh yes. <laugh>. Yeah. Follow us on social media for some shenanigans in the office. There you go. Yeah, exactly it gets serious, but fun. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so, you know, e-commerce, you know, there are retail and eCommerce stores. There’s a co we just had a new bank. They’re now going to take CBD retail stores. So I call them up. Oh, okay. What are the restrictions? No glass pipe, no. If CBD is in the name, it’s not easy to get a high-risk merchant account. Some of the banks have stringent rules. Another bank told me, oh, and there are six states with that. Want businesses to take? If you’re an e-commerce company and want to ship into their state, you must get a business license from their agricultural department. It doesn’t make any sense to me. It was like Alaska, New York, Louisiana, Utah, to ship flour, no, to ship any CBDs. Crazy. I, I was like, I disagree with that. I think if the federal level, level law, right. So the federal level said, oh, the farm bill, it’s all legal. Okay. The DEA, you know? Yeah. They need to watch because you don’t want somebody driving a truck for hemp flour to get pulled. Yeah. All I know is that the war on drugs has failed.
The war on drugs has failed the Southern border. They’re talking about all this fentanyl. We just had many people here in Fort Lauderdale overdose on fentanyl. The whole stigmatism behind weed and whatever, you know, I’m sorry that your son got arrested for pot in ninth grade. It wasn’t your next-door neighbor’s fault. Do you know what I mean? Like, I, I don’t know. It’s just the whole, the way it is, it’s looked at like, this big boogieman, the gateway, and all this other stuff. Like, it’s BS through everything that we’re told about it, you know? But anyway, well, you’re too young, but like when I was I’m 41, so I was not, I am not too young. No, but I’m saying, like, I’m 61. Right. So I remember they showed us this movie in school, and I think it was called some remand. Yeah. Re mad movie. I remember that. And then these P these kids were taking like airplane glue and putting it on like a plastic bag, like on a bag and then putting it over their head. I’m like, okay, like, I’m not that crazy to be doing that’s. And then they’re showing the room spinning around these, like people smoking pot, and then it’s never happened. Right. I don’t know. I mean, maybe if it’s laced with some PS P or whatever in a PCP, I don’t know. But no, that’s why I like now, like they have medical marijuana, like, okay, if you need some marijuana goes, you can just tell them anything. Right. You know, I have anxiety. Right. They’ll give it to you. Just say I have anxiety, get some medical marijuana. I mean, just imagine many people, it would help too. But I, you know, it’s, I don’t know this isn’t a podcast about medical marijuana or cannabis in general, but I just think that, well, the same thing CBD can be helping people too. So CBD. Before she passed away, my grandmother didn’t have an appetite, and the doctor gave her some CBD pills, and she started eating again. Okay. Listen. It is, you know, so yeah. I mean, I think it works.
So I think the rules just need to be followed. So, you know, agreed. So many eCommerce sites, you know, you have to have, you know, you must watch out for your friendly fraud. You don’t get people doing chargebacks. You can do 3d secure making. What is friendly fraud before you? Oh, so friendly fraud is somebody ordered the stuff, and maybe your, your descriptor is not good enough on the, what comes out on the credit card bill. So it didn’t change ID, maybe your name, many people. So they don’t name their company the right way, or it’s too long. Then on the bill, it comes out like a different name. You have to make sure you’re working with a good company so that you don’t run into like you so that you can stop as much friendly fraud as possible. Mm. So people don’t do a chargeback for like, you know, have a phone number that you answer 24 hours a day, pay an answering service, you know, got it. Make sure you have a contact form on your website. Make sure that the name is on the credit card bill. And the phone number is on there. So when you say the name is identifiable, do you mean the business name? Yeah. The business name. It’s not your corporate name. It’s the name of your website, so it’s not your name, right? It’s not your name. It’s not some other name. Like you shortened it up. So make sure it’s, everything is identifiable. You know, that’s what happens with, with all type types of merchants. You want to make sure the name is identifiable on the web, on the bill. So when someone gets their bill and sees something on, they go, Ooh, I don’t know what that is. And then there’s no phone number, you know, that’s interesting.
I have a company that took me a couple of months to get used to because you’re paying one company. But when you look at my statement, it’s something different. Yeah. Once I tell you a story. Once I had a, a, I got a bill for 500 bucks on my credit card, and I couldn’t figure it out. I Googled it go, and nothing came up. I contacted the credit card company. I, I didn’t pay that. I didn’t, and I don’t know what that is. For 500 bucks. I didn’t do it, and I got my money back six months later got a phone call from this guy. And he’s like, Hey, you know, I was going through my books, and you know, you owe us 500 books, and I go for what? And he goes, oh, we bill you. And I go, what’s the name of your company? And I was like, yeah, well, I don’t, I didn’t see a bill for that. And then he sent me over some paperwork, and I looked on them, on their billing. And at the top, the name of their company was something completely different. So you have to make sure you’re the whoever you’re working with is making sure that the billing script matches the name of your website, which is your doing business as name, not the name of your corporation. Cause nobody’s going to know that. Right.
Or have a phone number so I could have done a chargeback on all these. Yeah. You could have, you might not have won, but you never know. Right. Then you have to have website policies, basic stuff, terms and conditions, privacy, policy return, policy refund, policy refund, policy. And they don’t want you to have it where it has to be in the footer, easy to find them, they don’t want the client, the credit card brands don’t want the consumer to go searching through your terms and conditions to find everything. It could all be in there, but they want it easily linked. Do you know? And that PCI compliant, we talked about this in another podcast, you know, make sure that the host you’re using that they’re compliant so that you’re compliant at the same time. You know, eCommerce, as I said, there’s, there’s get yourself an SSL certificate. Yep. SSL certificate. Now they have the new, and almost all the hosts come with the new managed WordPress hosting. Yeah. And it gives you everything. And one, some of them not a, well, you need to look at the packages. Right. And see, but you know, the one we’re using, I know it gives us everything. Yep. Just all the security, the SSL, all kinds of different stuff. Yeah. But you know, the CBD business kind of shrunk down the last couple of years, and you know, as we talked, we brought this up before about states asking for licenses, but a lot of the banks are not paying attention to that.
A couple of them are, I think that’s a little bit of an over, I think they’re overreaching, but you know, they won’t get a lot of business or maybe only some of the big companies because their pricing is a little bit lower. So you have to jump through a few hoops to save some money. If you’re doing hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, maybe it’s worth spending five, 600 bucks on these licenses to save some money on your credit card processing. Right. You know, I act as a consultant, I tell merchants, when I meet with them, I go, here are your options. We got this bank, this in this bank. Depending on what you sell on your website, you want to sell CBD glass pipes and everything. You’re going to have to go to, you know, bank C. Right. Right. But guess what? The rates will be higher because you got more crazy stuff on your website. That makes sense to me, though, you know? So you know, less crazy stuff on your website, you can get a little lower pricing like pets. Like I met with somebody that pet CBD. So I told him, ” Well, we can save you some money. You’re paying between four and 5% right now. We can get you down pretty low into the twos to the low twos. Mm-hmm <affirmative> through this other bank, but they have some work to do to comply. Ah, they’re like, why didn’t that company ask us? I go, well, you know, that’s not our problem. You know, we have to, you know, we’re under more oversight, right? So you have to be compliant. Guess what? They’re doing a couple of hundred grand in credit card processing. If they save 150 basis points, that’s a lot of money every month and credit card fees. So it’s work, you know, you have to, you know, sometimes you can get better deals if you can reach better levels of the compliance that the banks won’t.
Interesting. You know, and the same thing with retail merchants, you know, you, you know, like vape shops and stuff like that, you know, you just have to make sure your advertising is not crazy, like crazy pictures on Facebook. And you know, don’t have a giant banner outside. I had a merchant once that got closed down because the bank went and looked on Google, and they had a giant banner hanging outside. We sell CRA. Those Google cars are Dr. With a camera on it. Yeah. You know, they’re driving around all the time. My dad was on our map for a long time. It was hilarious. He Googled our address, but he was outside when they drove by. That’s funny. It’s hilarious. He did not like that. Yeah. It’s funny. You’ll be surprised what shows up on Google earth. The banks, all the credit card processes, and artificial intelligence back in. A few years ago, they would get an application in the guy sitting there, typing it in, you know, to Google looking up the address. Okay. How hard’s he going to look now? It’s all AI, boom. They put it in, and a whole report pops up. Right. So they’re going to see all the pictures you got on Google. They’re going to look at your Facebook, your Instagram, your Snapchat, and you’re this you’re that, whatever you got, it’s all going to be there. So you just gotta, and you know, who wants to deal? Nobody wants to deal with like the FTC, you know? And there was I spoke last year at the, at this S E a conference. There’s a video on the website of us talking at the conference. I was at the conference. I was telling them, I go, the day, the days leading up to the conference. One day, nine CBD companies were found; the next day, five were signed. That morning, right before I spoke, there were two or three companies that all got, that all got fined by the FTC for advertising. Another company with the FDA they were all getting fined because they have affiliate marketing and all these things out there saying, oh, this can help you sleep better. You can’t make promises, even vitamins. Like you don’t go on a vitamin website.
And it says, oh, take this vitamin. And you’ll, you know, like weight, it’s funny. I’ll compare CBD to the weight-loss business, you know? So we have customers, they sell neutral products, and they sell weight loss, you know, oh, this pill, you know, but they can only give minimal promises like bits of help lose weight. Right. CBD can help you lose weight with a proper diet and exercise. Right, right. They can’t say, oh, take this pill, and you’ll lose 200 pounds. Right. They can’t say that. No, I know. And you’ll see ads like that all over. But those companies, listen, somebody will complain. They’ll get caught eventually. And then they get shut down. Do you know? So it’s that’s why the banks are very cautious. You know, there is a high-risk alternative the, for merchants too. You can do cryptocurrency processing where you can accept crypto get cash in your bank account. So you can let your customers pay crypto for these, you know, fringe products. Or you can keep the crypto, or you can keep the crypto. Yep. You don’t have to take the cash. Every, you know, we’ve been talking about this. We’ve been getting kind of some pushback. I, I don’t know. I wouldn’t call it pushback, but no, a couple of customers want to keep the crypto and understand the tax implications. Right, right. You’re going to get whacked with a capital gain. That’s another thing people still think like crypto is like this black market dollar. Like yeah. Like, dude, the feds are on your butt. If you made some gains and some crypto, any crypto he’s, he’s coming Rocky, and you don’t like the IRS. Right. I see. He did not like it. He doesn’t like the IRS. Yeah, man. Nobody likes to pay them.
No, they put it on this year’s tax return. It was on there. Did you buy, sell trade crypto? So they’re looking into it. Joe Biden signed a bill, and then the bill, it talks about cryptocurrency. And they’re doing a study on should the United States form some central digital bank and then issue cryptocurrency like, okay. So, anything now, anything the government does, they can’t do it in like a week or two? About five years from now. Yeah. It’s been five, six years now, the road. And then there’ll be a different president and a different Congress. They won’t fund it. Then it all falls apart and be done, you know, but they are looking at, every week I pick up different publications for which I’m getting emails. I follow Bitcoin magazines and, you know, different crypto O magazines and conferences. And you listen to people. I mean, you know, what were they talking about this week? Okay. Gary V made his big NFT, basically financing an entire restaurant. And now you have the biggest crypto deal of all time just happened. Right? Where the board, a yacht club, bought crypto punks. And now it’s some massive company. Guess what? The government is looking into that now. Mm. Because they’re saying, Hey, this is an investment vehicle going on because people are buying these NFTs with the hopes they’re going up in value. So today I was like, you know, I go, okay, that could happen if you get it at the right time. Right. And then it goes up, right. We saw those Gary V tokens. Right? Yep. Being resold for two, three times the value. Right. And then on the smart contract, Gary V doesn’t; Gary is in for whatever’s 10 or 20%. Right. Whatever was in the smart track.
So I bought a shabu. Boo, what was that thing called? SHIBA Inu Coin-looking dog thing on NFT. What was it on crypto, crypto.com? Right. So they sent me a note today. Oh, you want to sell it? It’s gone up in value, and people are buying it. Now I pay 20, something like $20. Now it’s worth $56. Nice. Not bad. So I made a capital gain, you know, if I sell it, I keep it. No, I’m keeping it, you know, keeping the cause Sheba, you know, the coin itself is, but yeah, but this, but you never know. It’s hard to tell, like, you know, with all the coins, like Bitcoin is the main thing. Many people don’t realize with cryptocurrency that there are two rules of thought. One rule is people are buying it for investment at purposes. And yeah, people are using it as an investment vehicle. And some people are day trading. So that’s going on because people in the government passed a law about that. If you’re day trading, you’re, you’re paying, you’re going to pay the Piper on those taxes on all you know because you’re selling and making a profit. I read an article. Yeah. This morning. About a 26-year-old guy. Yeah. He bought some crypto last year. Right. Made $500,000. I kept it right. Lost it all. Wow. How does he, the government, say that he owes money for 2020, 21 on his taxes because he made all that gain. Right? How did he lose the crypto? It tanked. Oh, the crypto tanks. I disagree with that. Like I don’t think you should.
I don’t think you should pay taxes on the crypto till you cash it out. I, yeah, that makes sense to me. So like one of the things, but that’s but see as the argument, my dad made a good point here. Like, so that’d just be, that’d be away. So all the drug dealers would put all of their money into crypto. Well, you’re going to spend it. So if you spend it, you gotta pay taxes on it. No, but what if they don’t? I don’t know the out that, so I don’t know. My dad made a lot of sense when he said that; I was like, you’re right. If people try to hide money, that’d be good. You don’t pay taxes on stocks. Okay. If they want to treat it as an investment vehicle when you, but when you have a stock, right. You and Mm-hmm <affirmative> buy a stock and sell it, and you make a profit, okay. You took cash off the table. You have to pay taxes on that. Do you know? And then there’s a little loophole, which I didn’t even know about these NFTs, which are these funds. So within those funds, they can be buying. They can sell some of the stock and the fund and then buy other stock. And there’s no, and you don’t pay taxes on it. No, I didn’t even know. That’s how they worked. And now there’s like a couple of EFTs that try to get approved that were going to be crypto NFT to it’s like, it’s like a mutual fund. It’s like a fund that you buy like stock in. Okay. I’m not sure. I never heard of it. Yeah. I never heard of it either, but my investment guy uses those. Now I know why. Cause it’s careful. It’s a big tax. Well, listen, anything you invest in. You know you invest in crypto if you invest in the stock market. Whatever you invest in, you can lose your money. So only invest what you can afford to lose. Yes. Enter at your own risk. Right? So there are, there are alternative solutions, wallet solutions.
So we have solutions for all types of CBD, hemp, world, marijuana-related business. You know, everything around that. We have solutions for Nationwide Payment Systems. Click my link where you can get in touch with me is always in the show notes where you go to the website, find us, and everybody has a great day. You can find us on Spotify, Apple, YouTube. If you like to watch videos, we’re on all of the DSPs. Yeah. The DSPs find us everywhere. Follow us on social media. Watch for our crazy videos. We’re going to try to get in a video so everybody can see Rocky. Who’s always hanging it out. Also, you, someone, won the contest, for the iPad, for the Kindle but never responded to us. So if you’re listening, oh, the Amazon TA fire tab. Yeah. The Amazon Fire tablet, someone will. I, I emailed them last week, Friday. I have to, and I’ll do a shot for the next podcast. If somebody doesn’t answer, we’ll have to pick a new winner. Yeah. If they don’t answer the next co couple of days here, I’ll just pick a new winner for sure. We’ll pick a new winner. Well, yes. So that’s it. That’s the day that’s today’s podcast, CBD business. Everybody has a great day car DM, and we’re out.

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