Chargeback Rescue
We provide merchants with an edge to navigate the new rules for Retrieval Requests and Chargebacks. When you get a chargeback making sure that you send in the right information is important, addressing the cardholder’s concerns is of the utmost importance. Also when you become a client of NPSBANK we make sure if you need any special policies on your receipts to help curb chargebacks. Some examples of that are putting notices in the footer, all sales are final, exchange or credit within 7 days of purchase, if you have special sales we suggest using a stamp and pulling the paper out of the machine so the stamp is under the signature and stamping the store copy as well.

We Offer Solutions for All Types of Merchants

Make sure you are always processing using the EMV Chip Card & using proper policy on your receipts.

We work with you to establish best practices to minimize chargebacks in your club and assist with mitigation.

We offer additional Fraud Solutions based on your business type, and we review your policies & procedures.

Merchants who sell physical goods, services, digital downloads, virtual services, streaming, and more!
Receive Your Chargebacks By EmaiL, FAX, or Through a Dashboard
Chargebacks can all be uploaded in most cases * based on the processor
Negative Database
IP Monitoring
BIN Data
Fraud Data
Historical Data
3D Secure

When you get a chargeback making sure that you send in the right information is important, addressing the cardholder’s concerns is of the utmost importance.
Also when you become a client of NPSBANK we make sure if you need any special policies on your receipts to help curb chargebacks.
Some examples of that are putting notices in the footer, all sales are final, exchange or credit within 7 days of purchase, if you have special sales we suggest using a stamp and pulling the paper out of the machine so the stamp is under the signature and stamping the store copy as well.
Gateways offer many standard fraud features that can be programmed into your gateway
Velocity settings for transactions, IP Addresses, Address Verification (AVS), CVV2 and more
Also, there are white list and black list features and other advanced settings
One of the newer ways to is 3D Secure 2
This is an inexpensive way to protect sales, reduce chargebacks and more

A small amount of code is placed on your check out page and when a credit card is processed and is using a compatible gateway if the card-issuing bank is a member of 3D Secure 2 a token is attached to that transaction and if there is a chargeback – you will never hear about because the card issuer has authenticated the card and the transactions. So the chargeback liability is shifted to the card-issuing bank and the merchant is safe from most chargeback claims.
*** This is great for high volume merchants
What happens when you get a Chargeback?
Send us your chargeback letter and all the documents, along with the letter you want to send.
STEP 1: We then review all of the information
STEP 2: We assist you in making any changes to the letter
STEP 3: We discuss the changes and you submit your chargeback – upload and or fax
STEP 4: Merchants should call the next day to confirm all the information was received
STEP 5: If this is a difficult case we can get involved in calling the chargeback department on your behalf.